As a tenant, you are responsible for the apartment during the rental period. If something breaks or gets damaged, that falls under your responsibility. To avoid financial worries, it is essential to have valid insurance that covers any damages.
This article is about long-term rentals. For information on vacation homes look here!
Do I need to have home insurance as a tenant?
When you rent an apartment, it is crucial to have valid home insurance. Regardless of whether the landlord have their own home insurance or not, as a tenant, you should have your own insurance. There is a risk that the landlord's insurance does not cover you, your belongings, or damages for which you are deemed responsible.
Our recommendation is to use Hedvig Insurance. Through this link, you will get a 50% discount for the first three months. The insurance has no binding period, which is perfect if you plan to rent for a period shorter than a year. You only pay for the time you actually live in the apartment.
What is Qasa's rental insurance?
Since regular home insurance is not adapted to rentals, there may be damages that neither your nor the landlord's regular home insurance will cover. Therefore, Qasa has developed complementary rental insurance that covers damages up to 1 million SEK, providing peace of mind for both you and the landlord.
What is included in the insurance?
The insurance covers abnormal wear and tear, damages, and loss of property. This may include damage to furniture, interior, flooring, and walls.
What is not included in the insurance?
Damages due to normal wear and tear that do not affect the function of the property are not covered by the insurance. Damages not related to the specific rental or damages caused by long-term influences, such as moisture or rot, are also not covered.
What is Omocom?
Omocom is an insurance broker specializing in tailored insurance for the use of existing items and accommodations. Omocom collaborates with the insurance company W. R. Berkley Insurance AG, which assumes the risk for the insurance.
What do I do if damage occurs in the apartment?
If damage occurs, you should first contact your landlord and then report the damage through Omocom's claims form as soon as possible.
The insurance has a deductible of 2500 SEK, which is paid by you as the tenant.