This article only applies to applications for first-hand housing through professional partners.
All our professional partners require you as an applicant to verify your income so they can determine your ability to pay. Some landlords only accept certain types of income, such as income from permanent employment but not fixed-term employment. Verifying your income is crucial for you to successfully rent a first-hand contract.
Please note that you need to have a Swedish bank-id in order to apply to ads published by our professional partners.
When do I need to upload a certificate?
If you're not actively looking for an apartment right now but just collecting queue points, you don't need to upload any certificate. You only need to upload certificates when you want to submit an application. A certificate is valid for all your expressions of interest and doesn't need to be updated for each new application you make. Income certificates are valid for three months and study certificates for six months, after which they are deleted to protect your data and ensure the information is up-to-date.
What type of certificate do I need to upload?
Employment Certificate
To verify employment, you need to upload a signed employment certificate and the latest month's pay slip or verify with Tink. For variable salary, you need to upload the last 3 months' pay slips.The following information needs to be shown on the employment certificate:
- Employer
- Your name
- Form of employment
- Employer's signature
The following information needs to be shown on the pay slip:
- Employer
- Your name
- Date
- Monthly salary
- Gross salary (before tax)
If you have multiple active employments, you must add multiple incomes and unfortunately cannot use Tink.
New employment (without pay slip)
If you have a new job, you can upload your employment contract twice, also under "Pay slip". As long as 'Form of employment/Employment rate/Salary' is shown on the contract, we can estimate your income based on the contract without a pay slip.
A new employment can be approved max 3 months before the first day of employment.
What is Tink?
Tink is a service that allows you to verify your income directly through your bank. So you don't have to upload pay slips. Tink has partnerships with most banks in Sweden.Why does the income from Tink show a different amount than the pay slip? The calculated annual amount may differ slightly from pay slips as the system uses the same tax rate for the entire country.
Study Certificate
As a study certificate, you should preferably upload:
Complete decision document covering the current/upcoming semester from CSN.I
f you don't take CSN loans or haven't received a decision from CSN yet, you can instead upload:Admission notice for the upcoming semester from / the educational institution
Study certificate from the educational institution, registrations for current/upcoming semester must be shown.We accept all forms of studies: university, college, folk high school, vocational college, high school, adult education, and continuing education.
How long does it take for my certificate to be approved?
We process income certificates continuously on weekdays between 08:00 and 17:00. Normally, you will receive a response within 1-2 working days. We only process certificates from people with an active expression of interest.
What happens if my certificate is rejected?
If your certificate is not approved, you will receive an email explaining the rejection and instructions on how to rectify the problem. While your certificates are being processed, we inform the landlords that your certificates are "being processed".
What do I do when my certificate is approved?
Once your certificate has been approved, you don't need to take any further action until the certificate's validity period expires. We will remind you when it's time to update your certificate.